Thursday, January 31, 2019

Root of a Number

Image result for cubic roots

The root of a number?
The root of a number X is another number, which when multiplied by itself a given number of times, equals X.

Square roots
Is the inverse operation of squaring that number or exponents

It is important to keep following the concept of perfect squares because it will still help us understand the root of a number.

= 3.16
3^2= 9   4^2=16, meaning that lies between 3 and 4.

Remember this!!!!

Image result for worksheets for square roots

Do Now 

Image result for worksheets for square roots

Now that we are experts at square roots let go into cubic roots......
Cubic root= to cube a number is to multiply it three times.

3 cubed is 27, so the cube root of 27 is 3
3cube root direction27

Image result for cubic roots
I really enjoyed and made all concept clear with this learning path. It has been a while that these subjects were left aside. But it feels good to reinforce these concepts now before I go into teaching my students. 

The End

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Classifications of numbers

 We must know:

Image result for examples whole numbers vs natural numbers
Today we will focus only on:

Whole numbers
sets of positive integers that do not have a decimal or fractional part.

Natural numbers
-along with zero are whole numbers
-will continue to infinity
-also considered as counting numbers

If still not quite there ..... please follow this...

The point to be remembered is that all natural numbers are whole numbers but all whole numbers are not natural numbers. You can remember that 0 is a whole number but not a natural number.

Image result for examples whole numbers vs natural numbers

Last week we were introduced to all the number of classifications. I was a little hesitant on a concept that might look easy, but I fell more confident about the difference these two. It is clear just with this simple exercise.
                                                                            The End


We are aware that first, there is a line that has a beginning and end point call it a ray.  The angle formed between the two rays is a ver...