It is important to practice and make multiplication/ division in a very fun way. It is used throughout our whole life. It comes up as soon as fractions start in mathematics.
First off, I LOVE the innovative ways in which we can teach multiplication to our students. Traditional ways of learning multiple can honestly get boring, therefore using different manipulatives, and things your students recognize from home, can be a lot more entertaining and engaging.
Practice makes perfect! In order for our students to get to these mastery levels they need to advance into middle school, high-school, college, etc. they need to practice! The worksheets you provided for multiplication and division serve as great practice and learning tools. Not to mention they are eye-catching! The puzzle at the end was fantastic as well and almost confused me at first!
I really enjoyed this post, super fun, and supplied excellent tools to help our students understand multiplication and division!
Hi Luisa!
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I LOVE the innovative ways in which we can teach multiplication to our students. Traditional ways of learning multiple can honestly get boring, therefore using different manipulatives, and things your students recognize from home, can be a lot more entertaining and engaging.
Practice makes perfect! In order for our students to get to these mastery levels they need to advance into middle school, high-school, college, etc. they need to practice! The worksheets you provided for multiplication and division serve as great practice and learning tools. Not to mention they are eye-catching! The puzzle at the end was fantastic as well and almost confused me at first!
I really enjoyed this post, super fun, and supplied excellent tools to help our students understand multiplication and division!
Great work!